Miracle of Death

Life After Death

"This is an incredible story of one who faced death with joy.
May her message touch you as it has touched many."
Fred Crowell NBC Camps

Welcome to my journey called the "Miracle of DEATH." On the 5th of October, 2005 I received word that I had pancreatic cancer and I would most likely be dead on my next birthday. I only had 3 months to live. I said my goodbyes to family and friends before I entered into the hospital for the dreaded Whipple surgery on a substantial malignant tumor on the head of my pancreas. As I cried out to God "we" began to embrace death with HOPE, and I was changed.

December 11, 2006 I received the results from my one year cat scan. NO CANCER!

My prayer for you is that my journal will be an encouragement to help you see that there is no dead end with cancer and/or death, only a bend in the road. Hold on to HOPE and to one another. Above all, do not allow the storm to steal your JOY. Do not turn your back on God.

IF I had continued to allow fear to grip me, I would not have been filled with life! As I took a step of faith, I began to journal and suddenly I was living the

V   I   S   I   O   N
H   O   P   E.

I began to record my fears in my journal about death. I cried out to God to set me on His path of peace and to fill me with His JOY. I wanted to hear from God, and I did:

. panther reflection

Today, the miracle unfolds and HOPE continues to spread on to the lives of others as they see how I lived through death in spite of death! Whether I lived or died I experienced an indescribable miracle change from being gripped with "fear and fire" to being filled with God's presence and peace.

Before I went in for surgery, a dear friend said, "Jan, I believe God will take you through death and dying to show us all how to die as He allows you to live to show the way!"

This is God's story of transformation and how I embraced the rest of my life no longer gripped with fear but with a JOY that passes all understanding. God did a radical heart transplant on me as He changed my perspective on life showing me that I was not at the end of the road, just a bend in the road!

What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we HOPED for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. (Hebrews 11:1)

I discovered that the season of winter is not the worst season of our lives unless we surrender to fear. I also learned that if I would have stayed "stuck" on the fear and the "WHAT IFs" in my journey with cancer, I would have lost the joy and the blessings God had in store for me and my loved ones in each day I had been gifted.

I have learned to begin each day prepared to live the next "90" days of my life in light of the hour, and I no longer take this time I was given for granted! I cherish relationships with my family and friends, and my heart is filled to overflowing with love as I grieve and pray for broken relationships I see in families, friendships, and in the body of believers.

And now, may God bless you with His presence and peace and may He become your source of JOY as you live life to its fullest.

"Thank you NBC Camp Director Fred Crowell and his wonderful wife Suzie, who read the journal and saw the power of what God wrote upon my heart when I was expected to die! Thank you for publishing and distributing the journals and for making copies available to cancer care centers in Spokane and beyond." *

* The "Miracle Of Death" by Jan Foland is available FREE at:
  • Cancer Care NW, Spokane, WA.
  • Dr. Woodruff's Southside Medical Offices, Spokane, WA.
and for a fee of $4.99 at: Auntie's Bookstore
Kaufer's Bookstore, Spokane, WA.

You may also order the Miracle of Death Online
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When there is nothing left but God,
that is when you find out that God is all you need.

Still Waters Creations
Copyright © 2018
All Rights Reserved
Jan Foland
